Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bila hati Bicara

assalamualaikum warahmatullah

a month + 4 days from today, I'll be leaving my parents, my brothers..inshaAllah :'( YaAllah, give me kekuatan for anything that You dah takdirkan for my life.. amin

Princess meniti saat saat akhir bersama keluarga, sahabat, dan semua yang terdekat dengan semampu yang ada...

seorang sahabat, berkata : Ukhti...ana will be alone here...
sayu rasa hati, bila seorang sahabat mengungkapkan kata kata itu...berat rasa hati, bila mengetahui diri ini akan pergi meneruskan pejuangan kehidupan yang singkat ini...mencari redha Ilahi..

setelah berbuka bersama Ibunda tercinta, terasa sayu hati ini memikirkan yang akan berlaku tidak lama lagi...Ibunda pesan "nanti, di negara org...jgn pergi jauh2, jalan sama sama kawan.." and I said "Bunda, lama lagi tu..sebulan 4 hari...." tiba tiba, hati ku betul betul sayu...airmata seakan bertakung di bibir mata...

I would like to share an artikel, dari a blog...and, I really love the story sbb hampir sama dgn my life with my Bunda.. :'((

“ Dan Kami telah memerintahkan manusia supaya berbuat baik dan berbakti kepada kedua ibu bapanya … ” (Al-Ankabut ayat 8 )

Everyday inda sah if you didn't smell any from the kitchen. She would spend most of her time in the kitchen. She didn't need an assisstant house she would tell us. When told she did enough for the day. No. She would continue, she would say "Eh, teh untuk bapamu lagi tu" She never understood the word "mengalih". She would never get tired of these kind of works. Oh the ayam masak kicap, she would even get rid of those fish bones for me, even that would cost her to choked over by it.

She would burn her hands once in a while. She never complained, instead just covered it up with minyak gamat. If I would fell asleep on the sofa, oh kuatnya! She lifted me up even menyuapi! I would easily get annoyed, eating in "mamai" condition, but she never get tired and she would smile and laugh looking at me.

She's always caring like this.

She would tell her tales. she would tell how her life was a rough and not easy life was. We didn't understand but overtimes, we heard the same stories over and again. But we never get tired too hearing those kind of stories, because she would ran over the story of how she met my father.

She's tough like this.

But it came time when she would tell us Islamic stories, she would tell how to protect from syaitan, what to read before going to sleep. She would urge us to take wudhu for prayer. She would sacrifice her time from muqaddam, to Al Quran.

She's so much full of love like this.

Thank you,
Every acts of her, I won't forget that. There were so much in my past life that I could vividly remember mom. So much that I couldn't put it in this one whole post, it would be one whole novel of book to write, or maybe jilid by jilid. You won't know how much you have done for us, but we know. Allah knows especially! Even to the point that you gave me more attention than the other siblings.

You would laugh for us, you would cry for us, you would do anything to make us happy. Even to the point of sending me to somewhere, I know how heavy it was to digest the fact, but you let me as well.

It's not me, but it's you. You done so much yet so little , or NOTHING you ever complained. But me? Even a prick of a needle, even a stress from exam, I would complained. But you have done so much. What am I to repay you with? I couldn't. I never going to repay all of yours sacrifices with these.

Allah's love is greater than yours mom ='D I am very grateful to have a mom like you, to have sending you as my MOM. That I know Islam in the first place, that I know how to read Al Quran in a proper way, now that you asked me how to read them, I would. Insha Allah. That I know how to cook now? That I know how to live a life far from home. Alhamdulillah I knew now that you purposely did all this, just to equip me for my future life. But you didn't know that kan?

To us you are our medicine, you are the doctor who would treat us. You are the teacher who taught us. You are our best chef ever! You are our story teller, never put us into boredom!

Last but not least
You are simply our mother. Nobobody like you. Alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah. I miss you mom. Doakan for me here.. :')

Sabda Nabi SAW;

“ Diriwayatkan daripada Abdullah bin Mas’ud r.a, katanya : “ Saya telah bertanya kepada Nabi SAW : “ Amalan apakah yang paling disukai oleh Allah ? ” Baginda menjawab : “ Sembahyang dalam waktunya. ” Beliau bertanya lagi : “ Kemudian amalan manakah pula? ” Baginda menjawab: “ Kemudian berbakti kepada ibubapa. ” Beliau bertanya lagi: “ Kemudian amalan manakah pula? ” Baginda menjawab: “ Berjihad di jalan Allah. ” Beliau berkata lagi: “ Baginda SAW telah berbicara kepada saya tentang semua itu. Seandainya saya meminta Baginda SAW menambah lagi, pasti Baginda SAW menambah untuk saya. ” [Hadis riwayat Bukhari]

Ibunda, Im not the type yang romantik untuk luahkan segala perasaan infront of you...Bahasa airmata mu, benar...sungguh...membuatkan hatiku menangis...seakan tidak mau pergi jauh dari sisimu...Ibunda, maafkan hati ni..diri ini andai pernah menghiris hati mu...redhakan kepergianku nanti, untuk meneruskan pejuanganku...aku sungguh berharap redhamu untuk mencapai redhaNya..

yaAllah, pertemukan kami..ibubapaku, sahabatku yang ku cintai dan semuanya ..di atas dipan dipan yang Kamu sediakan buat hambaMu yang benar inginkan redhaMu.. redhailah kehidupan kami yaAllah...

Bakal Perantau,

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