Thursday, November 27, 2008



hm..ana rasmikan my blog sharing about hijab,insyaAllah..

hope dpt memberi manfa'at to all...amin..

((Commonly, the hijab is used to denote the scarf or other type of head-covering worn by Muslim women throughout the world. However, the broader definition of the term refers to a state of modesty and covering that encompasses a woman's entire body, excluding hands and face."Veiling", in sufism, meaning the impression produced on the heart by phenomena which prevent it from seeing the truth. This is inevitable in this world.A partition which separates two things; a curtain; in modern times used to describe a form of women's dress.The veil of gnosis, mentioned by an-niffari which in itself is a barrier between man and Allah. "knowledge is the greatest veil.))

Muslim women cover their heads because God so directed in His final book, the Glorious Qur'an. The head cover is specifically mentioned in 24:31. This instruction from God is only one aspect of a wider context of purity of thought and action for men and women.Islam has very strict rules against adultery and fornication, and introduces many cautious measures to ensure the prevention and avoidance of such sins. One measure is the prescription that men and women should avoid intermingling as far as possible (see Qur'an 33:53). This is why men and women pray in separate areas or separate rows in the mosque. Another measure is that men and women should cover the specified areas of their bodies the sight of which arouse sexual desire in others (see Qur'an 7:26; 33:59). Yet another measure is that men and women should lower or turn their gaze away from looking at a person of the opposite sex (see Qur'an 24:31).

On the day of Judgment, women who wore hijab while their life on earth will be underneath the hijab of Fatima (prophets daughter). She will protect all those girls who wore hijab while their life and did the right thing that a woman should've done. So please sisters, wear your hijab, cover yourself as we're supposed to. No matter which country you live in, doesn't matter which century it is. All that matters is your heart that believes in the Shahadah and Allah and the last day. It doesn't matter what others would say about you or what they will think, just laugh at them because they are the ones who will burn in Hell for not listening to Allah and not obeying HIM. Please sisters, do the right thing, go on the right path and may Allah bless all of us and save us from the Evil Satan. ( ameen)'asalamah

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